Shopping at Decowood is easy and fast. Follow these detailed steps:
1. Choose your products
- Browse our catalogue and select the product you want.
- Configure the available options, such as colour and dimensions that best suit your needs.
- Click on "Add to cart".
2. Review your cart
- Once you have added all the products you want, go to your cart by clicking the "Cart" button in the top right corner.
- Verify the details of your order, including quantity, dimensions, and selected colours.
- When ready, click "Proceed to checkout", located at the bottom right of the screen.
3. Complete your order
- On the next screen, enter your personal information and shipping address.
- If you have a promo code, enter it in the corresponding field.
- If necessary, include any special notes regarding your order, such as delivery preferences.
- Select your preferred payment method from the following options:
- Credit or debit card
- PayPal
- Bizum
- Financing with SeQura
- Bank transfer
- Click on "Complete order" to finalise the purchase.
Important recommendations
- Measure your space carefully: Ensure that the selected product (tables, sofas, etc.) fits the intended area.
- Check access routes: Verify that the package dimensions will fit through doors, hallways, or staircases in your home.
Done! You will receive an email confirmation with your order details and tracking information.